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Ask ADA, your Amway Digital Assistant

You can find ADA in Amway Central Malaysia. Think of ADA as your online friend. ADA loves to be helpful. Got a question on your PV/BV or order status? Just ask ADA!

What is ADA?

Amway Digital Assistant, or ADA, is the name of the Chatbot for Amway Malaysia.

What is a Chatbot?

A Chatbot is a computer programme that simulates human conversations and are usually used for customer service or accessing information. Anyone can ask a Chatbot a question, and the Chatbot will scan for information using the keywords from the question to display the most relevant answer. Chatbots obtain information from a back-end knowledge database.

How does ADA benefit me?

ADA will provide support and useful information to ABOs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Who can access ADA?

All ABOs can access ADA via Amway Central Malaysia app.

How do I access ADA?

To access ADA, you first need to download the Amway Central Malaysia app, in the following version:

  • Android – 6.0.17
  • iOS – 2.3

Amway Central Malaysia app can be downloaded from the App Store for iOS/iPhone users and from the Google Play Store for Android phone users.

Once you have downloaded and log in to Amway Central Malaysia:


Which language is ADA available in?

ADA is still a baby – it can only speak in English for now and is in the process of learning other languages.

What kind of information can I get from ADA?

ADA will help answer your question in two areas:

  • PV/BV information
  • Order and Delivery Status

Please be patient while ADA continues to grow and learn!

What type of PV/BV information can ADA provide?

ADA can provide information on your personal and group PV/BV for the current and previous month.

What type of order information can ADA provide?

ADA will provide you with three most recent order information. When you click on each order listed or key in your own order numbers, you will be provided with order details and a link to the courier company’s tracking website so that you can track your order in near real-time. For information on delivery status, ADA can only provide trace & track in West Malaysia via City Link, CJ, GDEX and FMX.

Go ahead and start chatting with ADA!

Click here to watch a video on what ADA can do!

Watch this video on how to chat with ADA!